Installing Sourcetree

Sourcetree is a graphical application for git, which makes it easy to keep track of changes to your work and to move your work between GitHub and your own computer. It is available for Mac and for Windows.

This article describes how to download, install, and configure Sourcetree.

Download and install SourceTree

Download SourceTree from their website.

Mac version

If you download the Mac version:

  1. You should get a file called something like
  2. Double-click the file, which should unpack it, leaving a file called Sourcetree.
  3. Drag the file to your computer’s Applications folder.

Windows version

If you download the Windows version:

  1. You should get a file called SourceTreeSetup-
  2. Double-click the file, which should open an installer. Follow the instructions to install.

Note: I don’t have Windows, so I wasn’t able to verify that these instructions work. Please let me know if they don’t.

Connect Atlassian account to Sourcetree

  1. Open Sourcetree. You should see a dialog that will walk you through some configuration.
  2. On the first screen:
    1. Click the box to agree to the Atlassian Customer Agreement (after reading it, of course!).
    2. Decide whether you want to improve Sourcetree by sending data about your usage.
    3. Click the Continue button.
  3. Create an Atlassian account (or use an existing one).
    • Unfortunately, Atlassian makes you create an account to use Sourcetree.
    • If you don’t have an account (most likely scenario), click Go to My Atlassian and create an account. Atlassian will send you a confirmation email. Click on the link in the email to verify your account. Don’t worry about filling out the information on the website.
    • Once you have an account, you should be able to continue with the setup.
  4. In the next pane (Connect an Account), click the Skip Setup button.

Configure Sourcetree

  1. Once Sourcetree is running, open the Preferences.
  2. In the General tab:
    1. make sure that the Allow Sourcetree to modify... box is checked.
    2. Underneath that checkbox, put your full name and the email address you use for Github.

      Warning: This name and email address may become public, on GitHub, so make sure that you choose a name & email address that you’re okay making public.

  3. In the Accounts tab:
    1. Click the Add... button.
    2. For Host, choose GitHub.
    3. For Auth Type, choose OAuth.
    4. For Protocol, choose HTTPS.
    5. Click the Connect Account button.
    6. In the pop-up, log in to your GitHub account.
    7. Click Save.
  4. Close the Preferences pane.

You’re ready to start using Sourcetree for our class! Check out the Assignment HOWTO to get started.